On-Premise vs Off-Premise in IT Services
There are 2 methods of deploying Software in IT Services:
1) On-Premise. 2)Off-Premise
On-premise :-
The word On-premise itself suggest within a specific area such as school premises or company premises. In this the software or computer programs are installed right on the user’s computer through CD’s or USB drives. Many companies opt for on-premises because it doesn’t require third-party access, gives owners physical control over the server hardware and software, and does not require them to pay month after month for access. As there is no third party access our data will remain secure on our PC.
Advantages of On-premise in IT Services:-
1. Operates without internet: On-premises servers will provide you with an internal network that is accessible anytime, no matter your internet connection.
2 . Provides more security: On-premises servers are not accessible to those who are outside the network. So data will remain secure within company premises.
3 . Offers control to upgrade: Company itself can modify the server’s hardware. This feature provide companies greater flexibility and customization for their storage needs.
Off-Premise :-
In this company’s data is stored on a cloud and it can be accessible from any remote place. We don’t need to be in company premises. All the data of company is maintained by a third-party. It can access or modify the data according to the company need. We have to pay monthly to the vendor who stores the company data. A daily life example of Off-premise is , you can call and order your meal, and have it delivered to your home instead of having it at restaurant.
Advantages of Off-premise in IT Services:
1 . Control and Management: Vendors can perform changes or update needed in the stored data .The company don’t need to assign any special IT team for this purpose.
2 . Remote Access: The user can do work from home or from any location as cloud storage is used to store data. Need a good internet connection to access data.
Which is the best option On-premise or Cloud Computing?
So both have some advantages as well as some disadvantages . Anyone of these cannot be considered to be superior. For some purpose we need On-premise for some purpose we need Off-premise. There is one option that is hybrid of both . Some important data we can store on in-house servers within company and data of daily use can be stored on cloud so that it can be easily accessible to employees.